Friday, October 3, 2008

The Bizzy Beezz! YEAH!!

This morning in Comm class, we all picked our group names and our team leaders. I am on the Service team. So all of us "unnamed" service team people we all sitting around in our little group, blankly thinking about what we should be known as. Hmmmm...... April came up with "Worker Bees" at first, and most of us liked it OK. I know I did. But for some reason it didn't stick. So Someone suggested "Busy Bees" I liked this more. Plus, It looked really neat the way that we decided to spell it. Ok, ya ready? We call ourselves....... "The Bizzy Beezz"! I love the "Zs". Yup, It's a splendifferous name. And the best part is, April is the "Queen BEE" (group leader)! Uh huh! At first, it was implied that I should be the team leader. But I am more of a initiator, a follower that pushes! ;) However, I was the only one on our team that was able to go to a certain meeting that we have at Bledsoe for the leaders of all the groups, so I am going to go as a "second in command". Again, the girls got it goin' on!


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